The difference between seawater pearls and freshwater pearls

The difference between seawater pearls and freshwater pearls

Pearl believes that many female friends know that many women will more or less have some pearl necklaces, pearl bracelets, pearl earrings and other jewellery made of pearls. But many people can't tell which are seawater and freshwater pearls. Many friends who want to buy must also be puzzled why seawater pearls are more expensive than freshwater pearls? Are seawater pearls better or freshwater pearls better? What is the difference between them? Next, I will tell you the difference between them.
First, let's talk about the similarities between seawater and freshwater pearls. Whether seawater or freshwater pearls, they are all cultured pearls, not wild pearls. Almost all the pearls we see in the market are artificially cultured. Many people do not understand why pearls rely on artificial cultivation. The main reason is that the quality of wild pearls cannot be guaranteed, and artificially cultivated pearls can not only effectively control the growth environment of pearls but also produce higher-quality pearls. Therefore, in the pearl market, cultured pearls can also be called natural pearls because they are also naturally formed.
Next, let's discuss the difference between seawater and freshwater pearls. The first difference is that the origin is different. Seawater pearls are generally produced in Huayang Reef, Japan's Linhai, French Bosnia and Tahiti islands, etc., while freshwater pearls are mainly produced in rivers and lakes in the Yangtze River Delta in China. . The second difference is the colour. The primary colours of seawater pearls are the white series, golden series, black series, and silver-grey series. The primary colours of freshwater pearls are white, orange, pink, purple, etc. The third difference is that the shape is different. Since seawater pearls belong to a nucleated culture, the shapes of seawater pearls are generally more round, and very few are not round. Because freshwater pearls are seedless cultured, the shape of freshwater pearls is challenging to control. Most freshwater pearls are irregular in shape, and a small number of pearls are perfectly round.
Finally, let's discuss why seawater pearls are more expensive than freshwater pearls. I believe everyone has heard that what is rare is more expensive because the environment in which seawater pearls grow is not easy to control during the cultivation process. Because it is nucleated, its survival rate is relatively low. In addition, the cultivation time is relatively long, so its risk is relatively high, and a female shell can only produce one pearl, making seawater pearls much more expensive than freshwater pearls. Compared with freshwater pearls, the breeding time is shorter, and the output is more, so the price will be lower. However, freshwater pearls of good quality are also relatively rare, so the price is not low, but it is still more cost-effective compared to seawater pearls.
So finally, let's talk about whether seawater pearls or freshwater pearls are good? Whether wearing pearls looks good or not is different from everyone's aesthetics and cannot be generalized. Purchasing pearls is essentially self-pleasing and self-appreciation, so buying the pearls you like is the most important thing. There are few places where these two pearls can be compared, and we can use the exclusion method when choosing pearls. For example, you need relatively small pearls, only freshwater pearls and Japanese Akoya. The specific quality can be selected according to the budget. Generally, the quality of freshwater pearls with high quality is not much different from that of seawater pearls, but In terms of price, fresh water is cheaper, so fresh water has more advantages. With the continuous improvement of freshwater pearl culture technology in China, the quality of cultured freshwater pearls has far exceeded that of seawater pearls. The price is also more advantageous than that of seawater pearls. Hence, it is more cost-effective to choose high-quality freshwater pearls. To buy high-quality freshwater pearls click here:
Summary: When buying pearls, we try to choose pearls that are rounder, brighter, and less flawed. Of course, this needs to increase the budget. Both seawater pearls and freshwater pearls have excellent and poor quality. High-quality freshwater and high-quality seawater are relatively cheaper than freshwater pearls. Seawater and freshwater pearls are just different types; they are not good or bad; each has its characteristics and shortcomings; you can buy them according to your preferences and budget.

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